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Letter from Principal


Mrs. Adell Keen, Principal


Thank you for your interest in Weddington Christian Academy. We are a private Christian school located in the heart of Weddington on Providence Road just two miles south of Charlotte. Our mission is to provide quality, Christian education as well as to grow students in a faith walk with Jesus Christ.

Our school consists of Junior Kindergarten, Kindergarten and grades one through ninth. Our class size is small to ensure optimum success.  Students are challenged in a structured, yet child-friendly academic environment that combines both whole class instruction and cooperative learning groups. In each of those settings we vary our strategies to engage all types of learning styles.  We recognize that learning is a process that builds over time. Therefore, we use tried and proven methods that build self-esteem, confidence, and a strong academic base.  

Teachers, assistants and administrators strive to develop relationships with both students and families.  We all seek to grow children in a faith that will encourage them to serve God and others throughout their life. Bible lessons are taught on a daily basis and are integrated into the core subjects. We desire to honor God in our program as we strive to prepare young people to face the future grounded in Biblical principles, strong in academics, and developing key character traits of integrity and responsibility. Thank you for visiting our website.  We look forward to serving you.

Adell Keen, Principal


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